Happy October! I love the month of October. The leaves have officially changed and the weather is slowly getting cooler. It is the month of pumpkins, apple picking, cozy sweaters and of course Halloween! I am not really a fan of Halloween, but I must admit that I can be found perusing the aisles of Party City looking at this year’s costume selections. Guilty pleasure, what can I say? 2017 is coming to a close in the next few months and I want to end the year with a bang. It is also the month that Curvy Intuition was born. Not sure how I want to celebrate this milestone, but I am sure I will figure something out. Now, for the reason, we’re here! Time to outline my goals for this month.
I have been keeping my goals for the month rather short. I find that is much easier for me to focus. My overall wish is that Curvy Intuition will continue to grow. Each day more and more readers venture to this blog, and I love having you here. Interacting with you across social media platforms is great, but there is much more room for improvement. Feel free to send me a message to say hello, ask a question or suggest a topic that would like me to write about.
This month I will be doing a few product reviews. I find this to be very rewarding. I really do enjoy trying new products and so this month I will throw a few your way. Whats more exciting, additional photos featuring fall and winter attire. Even a post relating to my favorite fall and winter jammies!
Here are my goals for this month:
- Write at least two product reviews.
- Take Fall fashion photos
- Batch content for the month.
- Pitch two companies.
- Design, Prepare and Write the first newsletter to launch January 2018.
- Create and edit first YouTube video for launch 2018
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