I will rarely write about my natural hair. I have been natural for 5 years now; trading my straight tresses for protective styles. My favorite being Faux Locs. Over the years I have toyed with locing my hair officially. I love the style and I love the way it makes me feel. I barely saw my natural hair for years. Couldn’t remember the length of how it felt between my fingers. I would simply remove the style for quick maintenance and reinstall. The style that I loved so much began to take a toll on my hair. I developed Tension Alopecia. Tension or Traction Alopecia is associated with sustained tension on the scalp hair resulting in localized hair loss. I became embarrassed and ashamed. My confidence began to decline drastically and I hit beneath hats, wigs, and fancy scarves.
Blogger Brilliance: Regimen Building in 5 Easy Steps
By Audrey of AudreyCan.com
Years ago, I worked customer service for a fairly well known beauty and hair brand. When I think about my experience working there, I always recollect the countless conversations I had with other naturalistas. The biggest concern I heard can be summed up with a simple question.
Where do I start? It’s not uncommon to want hair that is shining, healthy and Instagram-ready. Most naturals would readily admit to this desire. And the women I communicated with, via telephone and email, expressed this desire immensely. And I would tell them the same thing I am about to tell you now.